The Tea Leaf Club International Education Sub-Team is composed of a subset of Board Members led by the Education Chair person. Their purpose has been to guide the development of user requirements, assist in vendor selection, seek board approval, and provide ongoing creative input into the design of the Tea Leaf Identification Guide and Handbook. The sub-team comes from a broad spectrum of very talented individuals with expertise in web design, computer applications, data base integrity, and tea leaf education. Throughout the course of the project, many wrote articles about the project, developed prefaces and appendices for the handbook, and entered body styles, potters and photographs as objects into the searchable content archives. Their guidance and objectivity was invaluable in the progress made in this effort. With many different perspectives on the team, we didn’t always agree on the way forward, but we always agreed we had to move forward. That’s been a guiding principle throughout.
Our sub-team members include:
Dale Abrams
Sue Chrisman
John Chrisman
Marie Compton
Mike Compton, Chair person
Annalea Robeson
In addition, we had two very able helpers that gave invaluable assistance in the efforts to load content and they continue to be a real asset to the team:
Gaylon Gwin
Chris Schafer